Henry Cavendish Primary School

Growing Together

Get in touch

Contact Details

Letters and Forms

Below are a number of forms that you can download to send into school.  Forms can be emailed to office@henrycavendish.co.uk or brought in in person.


If you need a paper copy of information on our website, please contact the school office, this will be provided free of charge.


Please note that letters for upcoming educational visits can be found at the bottom of this page.

Food Allergy  

Our catering contractor Harrisons, recognise that a small number of children can get an allergic reaction or intolerance to a commonly eaten food and they are obviously concerned about this and try to make sure that they are served with food which is safe for them to eat.

Please complete the form below and either email it to office@henrycavendish.co.uk or drop it into the school office.


If your child needs to take medication at school, you will need to complete a consent form in order to administer any medication.  These can be completed in the school office when you drop off your child, however if your child is coming to school on their own, or attending Breakfast Club, the permission form below can be emailed to office@henrycavendish.co.uk.  For more information please read our Medical Needs - Drug Administration Policy.  

Free School Meals

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are untitled to Free School Meals (FSM).  You may be also be entitled to FSM if you receive support from the Benefits Agency. Please refer to www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals to find out if you are eligible. If you think you are eligible please contact the school office on office@henrycavendish.co.uk


Please note that the Free School Meals form is currently being updated and will be available here to download soon.

Change of Details

Please ensure that the office is always kept up to date with any changes to your contact details such as address or telephone numbers. Please use the form below to notify us of any changes.

Personal Data Consent

We collect and use personal data as set out in our Privacy Notice page.


To fulfil our legal obligation to use personal data for a purpose other than what it was collected for we would need your consent.  Your consent is entirely optional and you can change your mind at any time, your preferences can be managed using your Magic Booking account.   Please email the school office to let us know that you have made any changes. 



Home Time Arrangement Form

If you need to let the school know of any change to your regular home time arrangements then please download the Home Time Arrangement Form below and either hand it into your child’s class teacher or attach it in an email to the school office.

Swimming Absence Form

If your child is unable to participate in swimming lessons for medical reasons written consent must be given to Miss Palmer before their lesson using the Swimming Absence Form below.

Special Leave of Absence Request Form

While at Henry Cavendish we strive for 100% attendance from every child, we also appreciate that at times there may be exceptional or unavoidable circumstances for which you need to remove your child from school.  Maintaining open communication about such absences is key to ensuring that class teachers – and other members of staff within the school – can support your child with their academic and emotional (where appropriate) requirements.  Therefore we ask that if you need to take your child out of school for personal or unavoidable reasons, you must complete a Special Leave of Absence Form and return it to Mr Apsley via office@henrycavendish.co.uk.  Mr Apsley will then authorise your request if appropriate.

Henry Cavendish Running Club

Our running club is free to join as part of the PTFA Sports Initiatives for our children.


The club is held from 8.00am Tuesdays in Autumn and Summer Terms and is open to all Year 1-6 Balham & Streatham pupils.


Years 1 & 2 parents need to stay, Years 3 to 6 parents do not need to stay but are welcome if they would like to.


Please fill out the consent form below and bring it with you to running club to join.  

Educational Visit Permission Forms

If your child is going on an educational visit, you must complete the appropriate form before the class departs. Verbal consent is not sufficient permission for your child to go on a trip.  Forms can be downloaded below and must be returned to the school office or the class teacher as soon as possible.  Payment for educational visits can be made via School Gateway.

There are currently no trip letters available for download. Please speak to your child's class teacher or the school office for trip letters.