Henry Cavendish Primary School

Growing Together

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Early Years Foundation Stage - Nursery

At both sites we have an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which links our Nursery and Reception classes. Children usually join the Nursery Class soon after their third birthday. We offer part time/flexible places (15 hours per week / over 2.5 days). We also offer full time places, where parents are either entitled to the 30-hour government funded childcare scheme or they can pay for additional 15 hours. Full time places are 32.5 hours and parents are charged for the additional 2.5 hours per week. Our charges are currently £8.50 per hour – Parents are invoiced a term in advance for additional hours.  Please see the useful website links at the bottom of this page for help with childcare costs.


The hours at our setting are currently:


Part Time Sessions

9.00am – 11.00am

1.30pm – 3.30pm

Full Time Sessions

9.00am – 3.30pm


If you are interested in obtaining a place in one of our Nursery Classes, you will need to register your child’s details in our Interest List. Please click here: Register for Nursery Interest


Selection criteria for a place in our Nursery:

  • Looked after children (Children who are care of social services)
  • Medical or Social Needs
  • Siblings
  • Distance (shortest walking distance)

Please note, a place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception class.


A Welcome Meeting

Once you have been offered a place at either our Reception or Nursery class you and your child will be invited to a short but important meeting. This gives you both a chance to see the classroom where your child will be working and to meet the teacher and some of the other children. This visit is essential as it helps children to feel confident about starting school.


Home Visits 

If you are offered a place at our Reception or Nursery class we will arrange a home visit before your child starts. Home visits will last approximately 30 – 45 minutes and you will be visited by one of our teaching staff who will be accompanied by either a Teaching Assistant or an Early Years Educator.

During a home visit staff will:

1. Talk to you and your child

2. Complete the Pre Entry Forms

3. Answer any questions or concerns you may have

4. Confirm the date when your child will start


Parents Tours

Parents are welcome to come and tour our school to see how we do things. The tours last approximately 30 – 45 minutes, you will be among either 3 or 4 sets of other parents and the tour will be led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you would like to come and have a look around either of our sites please contact the school office and they will be able to give you the next available dates.


Help with childcare costs


15 hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds



30 hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds



Check what help you can get with childcare costs



Tax free childcare



Tax credits and childcare



Universal Credits and childcare



Help while you study



