Henry Cavendish Primary School

Growing Together

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Local School Holiday and Weekend Activities and Clubs

Please find information below about clubs and activities that children can join during the school holidays or after school. Please note that all of these clubs are run independently of Henry Cavendish and cannot be booked via the school office.

Buzzers Academy Summer Holiday Club

This will run at Henry Cavendish Balham site for all pupils from Reception to Year 5 for the first two weeks of the summer holidays 22nd July to 2nd August 2019.  Parents/carers can book the whole week or for single days. To book a place for your child please visit the Buzzers Academy website.


Buzzers will run from 10.00am to 4.00pm with the option of an extended day from 8.30am to 5.30pm. 


Activities will include a wide of range of sports based around children's ABC's (Ability, Balance & Coordination)


The emphasis will be on maximum participation whilst ensuring a safe and learning based environment.  Buzzers Academy will be run by a team of qualified PE tutors.  



£18.00 per day (10.00am to 4.00pm) 

£25.00 per day (8.30am to 5.30pm)

There will be a 10% discount for siblings.

Childcare vouchers will be accepted.


Children will be expected to wear appropriate sports clothing.  They will need to bring a packed lunch each day including snacks and drinks.  



Code Camp

Code Camp is a leading authority on kids’ coding education worldwide. They are on a mission to create 200,000 little coders by 2020 through their holiday camps, in-school and after school programs.  There will be a sparks code club for children aged 4 to 12 years, at our Henry Cavendish Balham site during the Easter holiday.  For more information see the document below or go to the Code Camp website.
