Our school meals are prepared and provided by our own Executive Chef and in-house catering team. Our Executive Chef, Chef Nathan has worked at some of London’s high-end restaurants, including Michelin star restaurants; he has worked in corporate catering companies and he has also worked as a cookery teacher to both adults and children.
Our aim is to help children love and learn about food and to help us achieve this, we work closely with an organisation called Chefs in Schools.
At both of our sites we have a school kitchen where fresh meals are prepared daily and are of a very high quality. The meals are very popular and are enjoyed by the children and staff each day. The menu is varied, reflecting the cultural diversity of the school as well as offering a range of vegetarian choices. A menu is sent home at the start of each new term. Copies of menus are also displayed on the noticeboards for parents and children to see. We work very closely with the catering company and meet with them on a regular basis. All our teaching assistants are also meals supervisors and are therefore familiar to the children. They are responsible at lunchtimes and offer any necessary support.
Managing Food Allergies and Food Intolerance
Our Catering team has the responsibility to comply with food safety requirements and want to be able to serve all the children at the school with high quality freshly produced food which meets food safety and hygiene standards and is enjoyable, nutritious and safe for them to eat.
They recognise that a small number of children can get an allergic reaction or intolerance to a commonly eaten food and are concerned about this and try to make sure the children are served with food which is safe for them to eat. They follow guidance from the Food Standards Agency and consider that proper communication and exchange of accurate information between everyone concerned is the key area to allow the food allergy or intolerance to be managed in the best interests of these children.
If your child has a food allergy please could you complete this online form : Food Allergies Form
Packed Lunches for School Trips
Due to new regulations, which came into force on 1st October 2021, (often referenced as Natasha’s Law) when we have a school trip, we only order packed lunches for children who have made a request for them and completed the pre-order form below. The new process for the provision of packed lunches must be followed so that each child is given the food item they have chosen. We will no longer be able to order surplus lunches for the odd child who may or may not bring their lunch.
All packed lunches which the school wishes to order must be pre-ordered with each child’s name and their choice of food, at least 5 days in advance of the date they are required.
We are unable to supply packed lunches which have not been pre-ordered with each child’s name, stating what choice of food they would like. When we organise a trip, the administration team will remind parents to complete, the order form below.
Free School Meals
From September 2014, the government introduced UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meals). All children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to UIFSM if they are NOT eligible for FSM (Free School Meals). FSM is for families whose household income is less than £16,190.
You may be eligible for free school meals if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits from the Benefits Agency:
- Income Support (IS)
- Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance (IBJSA)
- Prescribed Tax Credits – Parents/Carers who are in receipt of Child Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income in excess of £16,190 are not eligible for free school meals.
- Prescribed Tax Credits – Parents/Carers who are in receipt of Pension Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income in excess of £16,190 are not eligible for free school meals.
- Please produce your H.M. Revenue and Customs form to confirm that you receive
- Prescribed Tax Credits
FSM also attracts additional funding for your child which we can use to pay for school trips, etc. Please use the link below to our Letters and Forms page where you can download the FSM application form.
Packed Lunches
Parents, can if they wish, provide a packed lunch for their child if they are in Year 1 to Year 6. We are working towards a 100% uptake of school meals and urge parents to contact us if a special diet (for medical or religious reasons) is required. We do not allow sweets, chocolate or drinks in packed lunches and encourage healthy eating. Water is provided for all children at lunchtimes.
Payment for school meals must always be made in advance, on MONDAYS, weekly monthly or termly. Payments can be made on-line, through School Gateway The office staff will supply you with the necessary information. Currently school meals are £12.00 per week (£2.40 per day).